Total quality management is a tool for net production that focuses on ensuring the production of goods that comply with technical specifications and achieve customer satisfaction and include attractive benefits that are considered by managers. The purpose of this study is to investigate managerial commitment, employee integration, training and learning in order to implement comprehensive quality management in selected knowledge-based companies (30 companies). The number of managers of these companies was about 120. On average, each company had 4 managers. After collecting at a rate of 81.30%, 100 questionnaires could be examined by simple random sampling. The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection, and also since the researcher seeks to determine the relationship between research variables, it is also of the correlation type. Garcia Alcars (2019) standard questionnaire was used to collect data. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the supervisor and consultant and some employees and managers of knowledge-based companies in Mashhad. The construct validity was also confirmed through convergent and divergent validity. To evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s alpha was used that the alpha of all variables was more than 0.7. In the descriptive statistics section of the research, SPSS software was used and for inferential statistics, Smart PLS software was used. The results showed that managerial commitment has a significant effect on employee integration and training and learning; Training and learning have a significant effect on employee integration and managerial commitment, training and learning and employee integration have a significant effect on operational profit, but the effect of training and learning on operational profit is rejected with a T-statistic of 1.764. The rest of the hypotheses are confirmed by appropriate statistics and show the impact of managerial commitment, employee integration and learning training in order to implement comprehensive quality management in knowledge-based companies.
Investigating the Impact of Managerial Commitment, Employee Integration and Training and Learning in Implementing Total Quality Management in Selected Knowledge-Based Companies