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Ayad Al-Quraishi
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Drought trend analysis in a semi-arid area of Iraq based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized Difference Water Index and Standardized Precipitation Index

Abstract: Drought was a severe recurring phenomenon in Iraq over the past two decades due to climate change despite the fact that Iraq has been...

Comparative analysis of NDVI and CHIRPS-based SPI to assess drought impacts on crop yield in Basrah Governorate, Iraq

Abstract: Drought is a climatological phenomenon that occurs across all climate zones of the world. It causes environmental and economic loss and can negatively affect...

Drought severity trend analysis based on the Landsat time-series dataset of 1998-2017 in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region

Abstract: Drought is a natural hazard that significantly impacts economic, agricultural, environmental, and social aspects and is characteristic of Iraq's climate, particularly the Iraqi Kurdistan...

Modelling Habitat Suitability for the Breeding Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

The Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) is an endangered species with a globally declining population. Information on the current habitat distribution and potential suitable habitat...

Drought Spatiotemporal Characteristics Based on a Vegetation Condition Index in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Abstract: Drought is a complex phenomenon that has severe impacts on the environment. Vegetation and its conditions are very sensitive to drought effects. This study...

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