المعلومات الاكاديمية
الاسم الكامل
سعاد مهدي الفتلاوي
مكان العمل
جامعة بابل – كلية الهندسة
اللقب العلمي
التخصص العام
التخصص الدقيق
الجامعة المتخرج منها
المعلومات الاساسية
عنوان بريد إلكتروني
جامعة بابل - كلية الهندسة
سيرة ذاتية
Curriculum Vita (CV)
1. Name : Suad Mahdi Glewa AL fatlawi
2. Place of Birth : Babylon, Iraq,
3. Nationality : Iraqi
4. Marital Status : married
5. Languages : Arabic and English
6. Address : Iraq – Babel – Hilla
7. Tel. : (+9647726260607 )
8. E mail : suadalfatlawi@gmail.com
9. academic qualification
• B.Sc. Degree in Civil engineering (1992)/ Babylon University .
• M.Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering (1999).
• PhD Degree in Building and Construction Engineering/ Environmental Engineering, / University of Technology/ 2007
• Academic Visitor to School of Architecture and Environmental Design at Plymouth University, UK , 2012-2013
10. Place of working: - University of Babylon / College of Engineering/ Environmental Eng. Dept.
11. Date of appointment : 13/11/1993 according to managing order of a No. 6143
12. Employment duration : 27 years .
13. Jobs that I worked at :
• Engineer in the University of Babylon / College of Engineering / Civil Department for 3 years in the following labs.
1- Traffic lab.
2- Construction material lab.
3- Sanitary lab.
• Training & Teaching engineering college students in the above labs in addition to giving tutorial sessions in the following subjects:
A- Road & Traffic engineering / Civil engineering -3rd stage.
B- Engineering soil mechanics / civil engineering – 3rd stage .
C- Programming using Basic language / civil engineering –1st stage
14. Courses I joined them :-
2 Course in auto cad Programmed / University of Babil / computer training center
3 Course in English language : I got the 1st rank in this course .
4 Course in advanced & normal working system of MS DOS / University of Babel / computer training center according Course in windows & word 6 / University of Babel / computer training center.
5 Course in (Grapher) Programmed / University of Babel / computer training center
6 Course in (Excel) Programmed / University of Babel / computer training center
7 Course in (SPSS) Programmed / University of Babel / computer training center
8 Course in (GIS) Programmed
15 . I participated in doing irrigation channel in Babylon University in 1994.
16 . I participated in doing a new sanitary network in Babylon university.
17. I participated in the committee of studding and treatment the problem of high ground water level in Hilla city.
18. I participated in many other projects for the consulting office of the College of Engineering, University of Babylon
18 . I ended getting the master degree in 1999 .
19 . I got assistant lecturer degree in 1999 .
20 . I worked as university professor in Civil Engineering department
( lecturer ) from 1999 up to 2003.
I taught the following subjects to civil engineering students:-
1 Environmental engineering - 3rd stage.
2 Programming using Basic language.
3 Engineering management - 3rd stage.
4 Irrigation and drainage engineering - 3rd stage.
5 Building construction- 2nd stage
6 Civil drawing - 2nd stage
7 Engineering drawing.
21. I got lecturer degree in 2003 and I working as a lecturer in civil engineering department from 2004 up to 2008 .
22. I got Ass. Professor degree in 2012 and I work in environmental department from 2008 to present
23. I worked as a counselor Prof. in many counseling bonds at many sites, as a part:-
• Textile industries Comp. in Hilla city .
• Al-Furat cop. For chemical industries
• Tires industries comp. in Najaf city.
24. In 1/10/2003 ,I joined in the university of Technology for PhD studying according to managing order of No. 10015/ د.ع in 7/8/2002.
• My Google Scholar Page
• ORCID iD 0000-0002-0062-2323
25. I have many researches some of them are:
• Capability of discrete kernel approach to simulate stream aquifer interaction.
• Seasonal variation in Hilla municipal solid waste composition
• Hydrochemical Evaluation of Ground Water and Its Suitability for Irrigate Selected Areas
• Evaluation of the Effect of Solid Waste Leachate on Soil at Hilla City
• Heavy Metal Pollution of Roadside Dust Samples with Different Traffic Volumes at Hilla City
• Selection, Design And Management Of Sanitary Landfill Site For Al-Diwaniya City
26. Thank books &gifts :-
1 I got thank books from university headmaster.
2 I got thank books from college Dean.
3 I got thank books from department manager.
27. Professional Experience
• Waste water treatment plant development at Textile industries Comp. in Hilla city ., Ministry of mineral and industries.
• Waste water treatment plant development at Al-Furat cop. For chemical industries Ministry of mineral and industries.
• Waste water treatment plant development at Tires industries comp. Ministry of mineral and industries.
• Sewerage design and development at Hilla city
• Sewerage design and development at Al Nasiria city.
• Sanitary design of many new building in Babylon University.
• Air pollution control.
• Water treatment development.
• Soil investigation.
• All survey work.
Dr Suad Mahdi Gleawa Al fatlawi
Assistance Professor
College of Eng. /Babylon University